The Perry Petalite Prospect

Peru, Oxford County, Maine


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Autunite: mm Autunite Fluorescing: mm Hydroxylherderite: mm
Autunite xls Autunite xls fluor. Hydroxylherderite


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Fluorapatite: mm Pyrite: 5cm across Fluorapatite: mm
Apatite1.jpg (8625 bytes) Pyrite Apatite2.jpg (10607 bytes)

This was the finest crystalized pyrite that we recovered. Although pyrite is quite common in Maine, good crystals are not, and this one coming from a lithia pegmatie, is very unusual. The apatites are micros and were recovered in a zone of cleavlandite that lays just above the "garnet seam".


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Altered Zircon: mm Fluorapatite: mm Zircon & Autunite: mm
Zircon_altered.jpg (11367 bytes) Apatite3a.jpg (7892 bytes) Zircon_autunite.jpg (12071 bytes)


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Fluorapatite in Pocket Zircon: mm Fluorapatite: 12cm across
Green Apatites.jpg (11702 bytes) (11367 bytes) Fluorapatite (12268 bytes)


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Photos copyright © Dick Dionne 1998 - 1999