Maine Localities

Mt. Apatite

Auburn, Androscoggin County, Maine

Mt Apatite has many quarries and prospects. Without a doubt, the most famous of all is the Pulsifer which has produced the finest purple apatites in the world. Fine tourmalines from the various quarries command premium prices. Recent mining efforts at a small prospect called The-Hole-In-The-Ground, were rewarded with the discovery of a new purple apatite locality.


Pulsifer Quarry Keith Quarry Dionne Prospect


Images of micros are represenative of overall specimens and are not exact images of what will be shipped. Hydroxylherderite and zinnwaldite will have multiple crystals on matrix. There are no larger images of micro specimens

Smoky Quartz Scepter: Dionne Prospect, Mt. Apatite... A small thumbnail, 1-1/2cms tall, no damage, some etching and distortion.

Order # MP1-1 -------Reserved------ Price $25.00

Fluorapatite: Hole-In-The-Ground, Mt. Apatite, Auburn. Lilac colored apatites on a 3-1/2cm cookeite matrix. The largest crystal is 10mms. These will be the first to hit the open market. Nice thumbnail from a new location.

Order # MP1-2 ---------Sold-------- Price $25.00

Hydroxylherderite: Keith Quarry, Mt. Apatite, Auburn. Micro crystals on 1 - 3cm matrix pieces. It has probably been a half a century since any of this material has been available from the Keith. Not exceptionally pretty, but pretty rare stuff from here. This photo is 32X

Order # MP1-3 ---------------------- Price $ Not available

Gahnite: Hole-In-The-Ground - Mt. Apatite - Auburn. Gahnite is a member of the spinel group. World class specimens to 7cm across were uncovered during the 1992 -1993 operations. There is a large ding on the bottom, it is coated with musovite and the crystal is somewhat distorted. 2-1/2cm across............................................................... Order # MP1-4 ------------------------- Price $20.00

Zinnwaldite: Pulsifer Quarry - Mt. Apatite - Auburn, . Micro crystals on feldspar and/or quartz matrix. Pieces from 2 to 10 cm. Mineral specimens from the Pulsifer are highly desirable and much sought after. These are from the only known occurrence of this species at this mine and were recovered during the 1995 mining season. 55X. Order # MP1-5 -------------------- Price $ Not available

Smoky Quartz : Dionne Prospect, Mt. Apatite, Auburn. The crystals from this pocket must have been on wacky tabbacky. No two were alike, most were distorted and etched to various degrees. A small thumbnail, 2cm across.

Order # MP1-6 --------------------- Price $20.00

Hole-In-The-Ground - Mt. Apatite Garnet, alamandine. Micro crystals on quartz matrix. Some have stepped growth lines.All are very gemmy. Photos are approx.32X MP1-7 -- $ Not available


Fluorapatite: Keith Quarry - Mt. Apatite - Auburn Maine Fine micro crystals as singles or multiples on feldspar and or quartz matrix, some are bi-colored clear/blue. As in #3 above, these are the first to become available in many years. Priced according to quality. This photo is 28X

Order # MP1-8 ------------- Price $ Not available

Click on a selection below for minerals from other Maine localities:

Mt. Apatite Bennett Quarry Miscellaneous Quarries Tamminen Quarry
Mt Mica Dunton Quarry    

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